
4. Other environmental considerations


4. Other environmental considerations

Hydrology and flood consequences

Hydrology and flood consequences relate to how water enters, exits and affects the site. We have undertaken numerous studies and assessments to inform our understanding of the site’s position in this respect.

We have undertaken a Flood Consequence Assessment (FCA), which assesses the risk of all forms of flooding to and from the development and demonstrates how these flood risks would be managed so that the solar farm remains safe throughout its lifetime, taking climate change into account.

As the panels will lie on the grass, which will be regularly maintained, there will not be a significant impact on the runoff volumes of surface water from the site. We will be seeking to maintain the relevant ditch networks around the site to ensure current water management systems remain effective.


We have undertaken an assessment on the archaeological and cultural historic assets in proximity to the site, which has shown that there will be no significant effect on identified heritage resources.

Land use

We have undertaken an assessment of the land within the redline area of the proposed application and have concluded that it is predominantly lower quality agricultural land and little chance of land contamination as a result of its previous uses. We intend to continue to use the land for grazing as part of the management of the grass within the sites, and the construction and decommissioning of the infrastructure will have little impact on the land quality due to the nature of the proposals and construction methods utilised.

Air quality

Parc Solar Traffwll will have no source of emissions during the operational phase. Possible impacts to local air quality only have the potential to occur during the short periods of construction and decommissioning through vehicular movement, plant emissions and creation of dust, however, even these will be relatively low. A detailed Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) will be implemented during the construction period and will outline measures to control dust creation and emissions.

Glint & glare

We have reviewed the potential for glint and glare on the surrounding area and with regard to aviation given the proximity of RAF Valley, however, we have concluded that any impacts in this respect would be negligible.

Assessment of cumulative impacts

We are aware that there are other proposed and existing operational energy generating schemes of a similar nature in the local area. We’ve therefore undertaken a thorough assessment of the proposals – picking out key elements such as ecology and landscape and visual – to review against other known projects. Chapter 13 of the ES sets out our assessment and conclusion that this development would not result in significant cumulative impacts due to the nature of the proposals.

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